Urbanvex maintains a rigorous anti-bribery and corruption policy that is applicable to all employees worldwide. We are committed to refraining from any direct or indirect involvement in bribery or corruption in any capacity and uphold a zero-tolerance stance against violations, regardless of whether they pertain to private individuals or public officials. We will not accept, solicit, agree to receive, promise, offer, or provide any form of bribe, facilitation payment, kickback, or other illicit payment.
In this instance, the term "bribe" signifies a financial or other advantage intended to motivate a person to provide improper assistance in violation of their duties, or to improperly sway someone with the goal of obtaining or retaining business, or gaining a competitive edge in business operations. Moreover, "facilitation payments" are characterized as minor bribes made to government or public officials to hasten ordinary administrative processes or other actions.
Should you possess any information, kindly reach out confidentially at complaince@urbanvex.com.